Technology Presentation |
Expansion Stroke
Expansion Stroke is the power generating Stroke: · Similar to the compression and Ignition stages, Pressure (PC and PW) and Temperature (T2 and T3) of burnt gas-fuel mixtures are the same in both engines. · It is well known that the amount of work created by a volume of expanding gas depends on the expansion ratio · AB Engine has a higher expansion ratio by design, as mentioned earlier and due to this, more heat energy is converted to mechanical in the AB Engine than in the conventional engine · As indicated on the P-V charts, the burnt fuel in the AB Engine reaches the same condition at point 6 as a conventional engine at the end of the expansion Stroke. This means that the expansion from point 6 to 7 or anything beyond 6 is additional energy extracted from the same amount of fuel. · As shown on the P-V charts, Temperature and Pressure are different by the end of the Stroke for both engines. The Conventional engine has a higher Temperature and Pressure by the end of the expansion Stroke, therefore the AB Engine creates less heat pollution per unit of power than a conventional engine. This also means more miles per gallon for cars on the road; and more KWT for motorized electric generators. · AB Engine can be designed with an expansion ratio such that by the end of the expansion Stroke, the output pressure will be similar to atmospheric pressure at maximum engine cycle power; this can significantly simplify exhaust resonator design with reduced costs and complexity. |